Introduction: Lemon HealthCare CPD Center

Empowering healthcare professionals through comprehensive professional development programs.: One Lemon at a time !


Partnership with Addis Ababa Tegbareid Polytechnic College


We have established a strategic partnership with Addis Ababa Tegbareid Polytechnic College.

Educational Resources

Access to cutting-edge resources and expertise in healthcare education.

Curriculum Enhancement

Developing specialized curriculum to meet healthcare industry needs.


  • Enhance Skills: Provide advanced training to enhance healthcare skills
  • Continuing Education: Offer programs for continuous professional development
  • Industry Standards: Ensure compliance with international healthcare standards

Testimonials from Participants

First Cohort Trainees

“The hands-on training at Lemon HealthCare CPD Center has been invaluable for professional growth. We highly recommend

Biomedical Eng Awol Alebe

“We acquired valuable theoretical and practical knowledge during the training, which was both engaging and insightful.

Registration and enrollment details

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